Home BEAUTY Is Amino Acid Cleansing Foam Really Gentle and Effective? A Review of 10 Popular Products!

Is Amino Acid Cleansing Foam Really Gentle and Effective? A Review of 10 Popular Products!

by DailyNT

Cleansing foams on the market are generally categorized into two main types: amino acid-based cleansers and soap-based cleansers. Soap-based cleansers tend to have an alkaline pH, which can be more irritating to the skin and is better suited for those with oily or normal skin types.

In this review, Dove’s Hydrating Cleansing Mousse, L’Oréal’s Age Perfect Cleansing Cream, and Inoherb’s White Willow Bark Acne Cleansing Cream scored the highest overall, proving their effectiveness. Detailed scores are provided below for your reference.

Part 1: Texture

Through hands-on testing, we observed the texture of the cleansers.

The texture of Freeplus, HFP, Herborist, Chando, Inoherb, and GuYu resembles that of typical soap-based cleansers, making it important to check the ingredients when choosing an amino acid-based product.

Kiehl’s and L’Oréal both have transparent, fluid textures that feel cool to the touch.

Decorté and Dove feature pump bottle designs that dispense rich foam directly, which is convenient for those who prefer to skip the lathering step.

Out of the 10 cleansers tested, HFP and Decorté were odorless, while Inoherb had a light herbal scent. The remaining seven products had varying degrees of floral fragrance, so you can choose based on your personal preference.

Part 2: Foaming Ability

We mimicked the face-washing process by rubbing the cleansers between our hands for 10 seconds to assess foam density.

Top Performers: Chando, Decorté, Dove

Chando produced a lot of fine foam, while Decorté and Dove generated dense, luxurious bubbles with excellent foaming power.

Freeplus, Herborist, Kiehl’s, L’Oréal, and Inoherb also produced a good amount of foam, but be careful not to use too much force when rinsing.

HFP and GuYu’s bubbles disappeared relatively quickly, so you may need to use more product if you prefer a richer lather.

Part 3: Cleansing Power

We applied lipstick and eyeshadow on the forearm, lathered with the cleansers, and then tested their ability to remove makeup.

Note: Makeup removal generally requires a dedicated product, but we used makeup for this test to better showcase the cleansers’ effectiveness.

Top Performers: HFP, Inoherb, Dove

Among the 10 cleansers, HFP, Inoherb, and Dove were the most effective at removing two layers of lipstick and eyeshadow. While HFP left a slight tightness after cleansing, the other two kept the skin feeling moisturized.

Chando, Kiehl’s, L’Oréal, and GuYu also performed well, managing to remove most of the makeup.

Part 4: pH Level

Using a pH tester, we assessed the acidity of the cleansers to determine their potential irritation levels. The skin’s surface is usually mildly acidic, so a cleanser with a pH that is too high may not be suitable. According to national standards, the pH of a cleanser should range between 4.5 and 8.5. Healthy skin generally adapts better to a mildly acidic pH within this range.

In our test, all 10 cleansers fell within the acceptable pH range (minor deviations are normal), indicating they would not cause significant irritation. Inoherb, Freeplus, and GuYu had pH levels most closely matching the skin’s natural acidity, making them suitable for sensitive skin as well.

Part 5: Moisturizing Ability

We used a moisture meter to measure the skin’s hydration level after cleansing, to see if the cleanser would strip away too much moisture.

Top Performers: Inoherb, Kiehl’s

In terms of maintaining skin hydration, Inoherb, L’Oréal, and Kiehl’s left the skin feeling adequately moisturized post-cleansing. Only HFP and Herborist caused slight tightness after use. Remember to always replenish moisture after cleansing to keep your skin healthy!


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